I'm currently looking for the time to start new projects. I apologize if things are busy for me, I have many things to attend to in the real world. But today marks the start of a new project that I've had floating around in my head for a while, let's hope it gets done. If all goes right, it will end up as a game on NG here and as a downloadable program on itch.io, which leads me into the other thing:
Not everything I post will be on NG!
Making web-based games provides some limitations and challenges that I don't like working around, I'd also like to fully monetize some games and projects through steam or itch. REST ASSURED that I will make as much of an active attempt as I can to get my stuff on here more often. But in those cases where I can't, I will provide updates here and links to go check things out, so stay tuned for updates!
I'm done milking it, I'm very happy it got nominated for the best of June but I think it's time to let it go. I'll make a last attempt to fix the achievements and such, but I don't want to focus on one small project like it's my life's work.